If theres one thing iv learned that really sticks in my head from climbing, that is don't give up. In fact Never Give Up! Everytime i set my mind to a new project the only way i complete it is if i believe and keep the positive attitude that i can make it to the top and that i won't stop until i drop. Its all a mental thing, if you can wrap your mind around the idea that it is possible to top out on the climb of your desire then you will.
Sure you may whip a few times but hey, thats what climbing is; going until you drop. This can be applied to everyone in life. The moment we let our mind give up on something is the moment that we consciously shut off on a path that could lead us to grand places. We can break this down to the simplest of thoughts, so simple as for example: deciding not to go to the grocery store at a certain time. this is a silly example but ill have you know that if i didn't go to a store at a certain time on a certain day i would have never met one of the greatest connections of my life. If i were to give up on the idea of going and simply say no i would have probably never met this person. Okay enough babbling
Don't Give Up
Keep Climbing!
"Don't Stop Till You Drop" is how i train, i keep climbing and climbing until i physically cannot get up even a 5.7 Im sure if you use it to shape your training as well you will increase in strength and climbing technique.
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